My Blog List

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

 My name is Madelyn. I grew up in Port Orange, Florida. I am a senior this year and am majoring in Family and Child Science with a minor in Education and Psychology. I plan on getting my masters after I graduate. I love kids so in the future, I would like to work with kids. My current job goal is to be a Child Life Specialist.

    A prior experience using technology in an educational setting would be during covid my freshman year of college all my in-person classes switched to online which was difficult at first, but we started using zoom meet during regular class time. I found this very helpful. I was able to listen and interact through zoom the same way I did before covid. Doing this and being able to ask questions through zoom and using technology was very effective in my experience.

    As a student learning networks are very bentificial in my learning styles. I use Quizlet to study for exams and quizzes. I also watch YouTube videos to help me learn material I need extra help on. As well as using an app GroupMe which is a way for students in the same courses to help with questions I may have. 

Blog Journal #9

          There wasn't much about being a distance learner during COVID-19 that I enjoyed. I did get to stay at home and work from the c...