My Blog List

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Blog Journal #4

Supporting students as they use technology to write, publish online, and engage with others is outlined in standard LAFS.4.W.2.6. Based on my prior knowledge and current abilities in online writing, I do feel prepared to put this into practice. The fact that I feel more at ease navigating something new with the help to these blog journal entries is another reason I feel well-prepared. This gives me the impression that students will acquire new abilities by working with others on online writing projects.

These resources, in my opinion, can be used in my instruction as a roadmap for what should be covered. Students should be taught each of these in order to excel in the future. Utilizing all of these standards provides a comprehensive idea of what should be learned. This offers the opportunity to create lesson plans based on these standards that address each of them and guarantee mastery of each subject.

Searching the internet seems very simple when looking for common items. However, it can be more challenging when looking for more specialized resources like scholarly journals or ebooks. For this reason, it's crucial for teachers to be skilled thinkers. Then you'll be able to obtain the materials you need for your lessons, but you'll also be able to teach your students how to conduct effective searches by showing them the best search platforms to use for various kinds of data, how to utilize effective topics, and other searching hacks and techniques.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

EME2040 Blog #3

Copyright refers to a person's rights and protection over their creative output. Copyright, which can be either artistic or intellectual, is intended to help one protect their work when they want to share it. How much unauthorized use of another person's copyrighted work is considered to be "fair use" and not subject to legal consequences. Different circumstances, such as when the copyrighted work is utilized for educational purposes, it is not all used, the use of the work is not damaging, and the way the work is used can all be considered fair use. These and other considerations are essential when deciding whether something is fair use or not.

The biggest issues facing teachers today are academic dishonesty and poor productivity. Teachers should take several steps to address these issues. For starters, teachers should begin using integrity strategies to reduce academic dishonesty, like having students take examinations and quizzes in person rather than at home. A teacher might develop fresh approaches to make their classes more inviting in order to prevent decreasing productivity. This may involve implementing activities like Kahoot quizzes or fun review games.

The new skills I learned from working on the newsletter design. As I thought I was already pretty good at navigating Microsoft, I learned how to separate a document into two main columns. I also learned how to make a permission slip which has a lot more steps than I thought it would. The abilities I developed while working on this assignment can assist me with tasks like drafting a résumé and helping me plan newsletters for my future career as a teacher.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

EME2040 Blog #2

My experience using MS Word as a student wasn’t used much before coming to FSU. When I was in high school, if we needed to write an essay, we would use pen and paper rather than typing it using MS Word. Using MS Word here at FSU was something very new to me but something that I learned to like once I got more comfortable using it. I prefer to use word processing software rather than Google Docs because that’s what I was taught to use first so it’s easier for me to use. 

The ISTE Standards for Educators that is most meaningful to me is the 2.1 Learner: "educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning. Educators.” I think it’s important for teachers to improve their learning style into learning styles that will engage students to learn better. 

I don’t disagree or agree I think it depends on the kid. It isn't as easy as saying people are not digital natives or are. It depends on how a child grew up, whether that means you had technology or not. In every generation, some people didn’t grow up with technology while most did not. To be digital natives means young kids who grew up in the digital age. I don’t really see a difference between my professors and I. I don’t necessarily see myself as a digital native. I sometimes find that my professors are more experienced in using technology than me. When I become a teacher, I anticipate that my students will be very technology involved. It will be better for me to interact with them through technology for them to have a better learning experience

                                "Kids love technology!" by Steven Parker is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Blog Journal #9

          There wasn't much about being a distance learner during COVID-19 that I enjoyed. I did get to stay at home and work from the c...