My Blog List

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Blog #5

With my early experiences with Twitter, I used it for social interaction with friends. Now I have followed my classmates, my professor, some education-related sources, and some important schooling accounts. I feel twitter will help me in my future, having more sources to view and interact with. Especially relating to the school area that I work with, the state I teach in, my fellow teachers, and more. I like that it’s a place for teachers to ask questions if needed or having a different perspective on certain ideas.

Undoubtedly, there is a significant "digital divide" in education that makes it difficult for students to succeed. The digital gap hinders certain students' ability to succeed in the classroom by placing them at a disadvantage. The majority of classes assign everything online. Due to their lack of access to computers or the internet, some students can end up failing their classes. All because they lacked the tools to achieve and go on due to their grades, this has a significant impact on the futures of the students. The income gap is one reason for the digital divide; students from lower-income families might not have access to the same technology as others. This will have an impact on my teaching methods because if I am aware that a student in my class lacks access to the internet or a computer, I will print the assignment for them or give them extra time to use the computers in the classroom to do their work. I will do this to ensure that it does not affect their grade

Google Teaching and Padlet are two resources I intend to use in my future classroom. The fact that I can upload my daily schedule for the students to view ensures that they are informed of everything, making this a great educational software. I'll use this site since I can set due dates, informing students, and keeping them ready for upcoming events. I consider Padlet to be a promising tool since it allows students to create presentations and promotes group conversations with teacher participation and student comments. Both of these will be very beneficial to my students.


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