My Blog List

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Blog Journal #9

        There wasn't much about being a distance learner during COVID-19 that I enjoyed. I did get to stay at home and work from the comfort of my room, but that made me incredibly ineffective. After COVID, I used to travel a lot for swim meets, so it was wonderful that I didn't have to miss school. I also liked that I could do it from anywhere. Throughout the lesson, I was sidetracked frequently. I can assist distance learners by providing them with a variety of learning options so they can select the one that works best for them. I can also make sure they have a way to contact me if they have any questions or need assistance.

Open educational resources (OER) are instructional materials with a creative commons license in the public domain. These works are free for teachers to incorporate into their lesson plans. OERs can help students save money, and teachers have shared them worldwide to open up new options for students and teachers. The following resources are examples of OER. This website features a variety of OERs organized by theme, whole courses, open-access books, multimedia, sizable repositories, and photographs and artwork. Educators can use numerous links to websites for students of various grade levels.

The PowerPoint assignments taught me how to make a voiceover and how to design a distinctive layout. In my opinion, the narration detracted from the presentation because it was where my action was directed. It's definitely something I can improve on for next time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Blog Journal #8

I learned how to construct numerous Google calendars, add events to a Google calendar, and make events on a Google calendar public.  This work was enjoyable for me because it gave for artistic control. I don't believe there was anything I didn't like. I enjoyed being doing the Web Design assignment.  Creating my own teacher website with tools like a Google Calendar will allow me to use what I learned from the assignment in my future job and keep parents and students informed in my classroom and during the course of teaching. The website I built for the assignment is accessible at the following website

By using Diigo in this class, I learned how to bookmark websites, share websites with groups, add tags, add highlights, add sticky notes, add comments, and make comments public or private. When my students are required to read an online document, I will use the techniques I learned from Diigo to help them highlight crucial information. By establishing a Diigo group with other members, such as other teachers, I may put these abilities to use to help me learn new skills, such as sharing websites in the Diigo group that contain resources or knowledge that will benefit us in the classroom. Lastly, I may utilize Diigo to support my professional growth by regularly bookmarking webpages that I find helpful for my teacher preparation.

By using Diigo in this class, I learned how to bookmark websites, share websites with groups, add tags, add highlights, add sticky notes, add comments, and make comments public or private. When my students are required to read an online document, I will use the techniques I learned from Diigo to help them highlight crucial information. By establishing a Diigo group with other members, such as other teachers, I may put these abilities to use to help me learn new skills, such as sharing websites in the Diigo group that contain resources or knowledge that will benefit us in the classroom. Lastly, I may utilize Diigo to support my professional growth by regularly bookmarking webpages that I find helpful for my teacher preparation.

I am aware that finding new websites to make the classroom more effective is one of the most crucial components of a classroom. I firmly believe that all the resources and tools we have discovered in this course should be used in every classroom. Teachers must find innovative and creative methods to use technology in the classroom to increase student's motivation to learn. Technology is constantly evolving, and it can be challenging to keep up. Using social media sites like Pinterest and TikTok has been one method I've learned about new technology in the classroom. Educators use their own videos and pictures to share innovative modern technology with students.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Blog Journal #7

    I decided to visit the website of my former elementary school. There were no class pages for each teacher or subject, and there wasn't a lot of material available in the open. The educational website page contained the most details I could uncover regarding the course of study. Students are encouraged to use these websites at home. Most of these websites are used in the classroom to keep kids engaged. Only the calendar of approaching enjoyable and significant student dates was available as additional real information. Example here     

    Technology, in my opinion, is the best instrument for maximizing productivity at work. I use Google Calendar every day to avoid scheduling myself too far in advance or forgetting to accomplish something. As a teacher In the classroom, I'll use technology all the time, utilizing a google calendar where I'll publish all of our assignments and their due dates to ensure that my students, parents, and I stay informed. 

     Due to the convenience of having all the directions and what to accomplish in one location, I really enjoyed using Canvas for Assignment two. Thanks to Canvas, we didn't have to submit anything at the end, which I thought was highly convenient. I like how I can email teachers and view my grades. My classes are also there, so it makes everything so much easier. When I become a teacher, I believe I'll want to use Canvas in my classroom because I think it keeps kids more organized.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Blog Journal #6

I had never used Diigo before, so I had no idea what to expect. After experimenting with it, I discovered that Diigo's simplicity made it appealing to me. Utilizing it was simple and user-friendly because it was plain and uncomplicated. However, I did not like Diigo's design; it was uneasy. The website's actual functionality was good; the chaotic look was the main drawback. 

This was a unique experience for me because I had never been required to blog for a class before. Since I'm not forced to respond in MLA format, I like being able to speak more informally about the subjects we cover in class. It improves the work's enjoyment and manageability. I had no idea that a blog space could accommodate so many additions, such as the Twitter feed.

Kahoot is a Web 2.0 resource that I would use in my classroom. This technology, in my opinion, would improve in-class activities and student participation in my classes. With games that are more enjoyable and competitive than quizzes, Kahoot assists students in learning through the testing of their knowledge of specific subjects. Kahoot would assist in reinforcing concepts taught in class, preparing my students for upcoming exams, or clearing up any remaining questions about any topics covered, allowing them to feel confident in the subject, do the assigned homework, and perform well on exams. 

Link for Kahoot:

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Blog #5

With my early experiences with Twitter, I used it for social interaction with friends. Now I have followed my classmates, my professor, some education-related sources, and some important schooling accounts. I feel twitter will help me in my future, having more sources to view and interact with. Especially relating to the school area that I work with, the state I teach in, my fellow teachers, and more. I like that it’s a place for teachers to ask questions if needed or having a different perspective on certain ideas.

Undoubtedly, there is a significant "digital divide" in education that makes it difficult for students to succeed. The digital gap hinders certain students' ability to succeed in the classroom by placing them at a disadvantage. The majority of classes assign everything online. Due to their lack of access to computers or the internet, some students can end up failing their classes. All because they lacked the tools to achieve and go on due to their grades, this has a significant impact on the futures of the students. The income gap is one reason for the digital divide; students from lower-income families might not have access to the same technology as others. This will have an impact on my teaching methods because if I am aware that a student in my class lacks access to the internet or a computer, I will print the assignment for them or give them extra time to use the computers in the classroom to do their work. I will do this to ensure that it does not affect their grade

Google Teaching and Padlet are two resources I intend to use in my future classroom. The fact that I can upload my daily schedule for the students to view ensures that they are informed of everything, making this a great educational software. I'll use this site since I can set due dates, informing students, and keeping them ready for upcoming events. I consider Padlet to be a promising tool since it allows students to create presentations and promotes group conversations with teacher participation and student comments. Both of these will be very beneficial to my students.


Thursday, September 22, 2022

Blog Journal #4

Supporting students as they use technology to write, publish online, and engage with others is outlined in standard LAFS.4.W.2.6. Based on my prior knowledge and current abilities in online writing, I do feel prepared to put this into practice. The fact that I feel more at ease navigating something new with the help to these blog journal entries is another reason I feel well-prepared. This gives me the impression that students will acquire new abilities by working with others on online writing projects.

These resources, in my opinion, can be used in my instruction as a roadmap for what should be covered. Students should be taught each of these in order to excel in the future. Utilizing all of these standards provides a comprehensive idea of what should be learned. This offers the opportunity to create lesson plans based on these standards that address each of them and guarantee mastery of each subject.

Searching the internet seems very simple when looking for common items. However, it can be more challenging when looking for more specialized resources like scholarly journals or ebooks. For this reason, it's crucial for teachers to be skilled thinkers. Then you'll be able to obtain the materials you need for your lessons, but you'll also be able to teach your students how to conduct effective searches by showing them the best search platforms to use for various kinds of data, how to utilize effective topics, and other searching hacks and techniques.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

EME2040 Blog #3

Copyright refers to a person's rights and protection over their creative output. Copyright, which can be either artistic or intellectual, is intended to help one protect their work when they want to share it. How much unauthorized use of another person's copyrighted work is considered to be "fair use" and not subject to legal consequences. Different circumstances, such as when the copyrighted work is utilized for educational purposes, it is not all used, the use of the work is not damaging, and the way the work is used can all be considered fair use. These and other considerations are essential when deciding whether something is fair use or not.

The biggest issues facing teachers today are academic dishonesty and poor productivity. Teachers should take several steps to address these issues. For starters, teachers should begin using integrity strategies to reduce academic dishonesty, like having students take examinations and quizzes in person rather than at home. A teacher might develop fresh approaches to make their classes more inviting in order to prevent decreasing productivity. This may involve implementing activities like Kahoot quizzes or fun review games.

The new skills I learned from working on the newsletter design. As I thought I was already pretty good at navigating Microsoft, I learned how to separate a document into two main columns. I also learned how to make a permission slip which has a lot more steps than I thought it would. The abilities I developed while working on this assignment can assist me with tasks like drafting a résumé and helping me plan newsletters for my future career as a teacher.


Blog Journal #9

          There wasn't much about being a distance learner during COVID-19 that I enjoyed. I did get to stay at home and work from the c...